Safety at Supafit

πŸ“’YOU are our No.1 Priority!πŸ“’  

πŸ‘‰At Supafit Performance, we’ve always been fanatical about cleanliness ...  

but we want you to know that as we reopen in the wake of the Coronavirus pandemic, we have stepped up our cleaning, disinfecting, and distancing measure, to keep YOU as SAFE as possible.  

βœ” Introducing Supafit Squares: maintaining proper physical distance through taped-off zones

βœ” Wiping down equipment between uses

βœ” Workouts that minimise shared equipment

βœ” No Towel, No Train policy enforced , encouraging members to wipe down their own sweat and used to lie on

βœ” Airflow within the facility, with roll shutters and front doors open

βœ” Disinfecting and hand sanitiser stations throughout our facility

βœ” Frequent mopping of mats, matted areas and reception

βœ” Daily wipe down of high traffic areas such as door knobs, bathrooms, check in area, laptops, lockers

βœ” Introducing SupaSprays Station: all members are encouraged to give their shoes (including soles) a spray with Glen 20 before entering our gym.

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