SupaFit Performance Centre

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Tips To Staying Fit Through Covid

By Coach Mon

I don’t know about you guys, but with all that’s going on in the world right now I’ve definitely been on a roller coaster of emotions these last few weeks.

From the highs of appreciating all the things I do have in my life and thinking ‘this is just for now’ and ‘yeah I’m crushing it in lockdown!’ To feeling down, emotionally drained and frustrated in day to day life. Although I definitely don’t have it all down pat, I do pride myself of being a glass half full kinda- person. And speaking of ‘glasses’ there’s a saying I love which is....

“you can’t pour from an empty cup”.

I believe in these times, more than ever we need to slow down and focus on ourselves at the fore front so that we may “fill our cups up”. This is crucial, not only for our own mental and emotional well being but also has a flow on effect for our immediate families. Because as the saying goes, we want to give those we love the “best of us, not the rest of us”.
So here are some of the things that help “fill up my cup” so that I can be the best version of myself and stay sane in quarantine!

1) Perfect your morning routine: I really believe that the way you start your day, helps set the tone for the rest of your day. Continue to wake up at the same time every day. I personally like to set my alarm an hour before the kids get up. This is when the house is at it’s quietest and my window to myself. Spend this time doing something you love or simply getting ready slowly without glancing at any screens!

For me, my morning routine consists of rising early, going to the bathroom, getting a huge cup of warm water mixed with apple cider vinegar, chia seeds, wedge of lemon, and fresh mint if I have it. I then go back to my bedroom, roll out a mat and perform 10-20 minutes of gentle stretching or yoga movements. After this, I go prepare a warm breakfast, usually proats (I make mine with peanut butter!) and coffee. I then usually bring my breakfast back to bed and eat it there, I think it’s the cosy factor that leaves me feeling happy. During this time, I also write down 3x things I am grateful for that day. It might be my family, my health, or as simple as hearing the birds sing or having a cup of coffee.

I then have a warm shower where I wash myself (obviously) but, before I finish I turn the hot tap off completely and have an ice cold shower (in the Summer months, I do completely cold showers in the morning). The cold water shocks the system into fight or flight mode, it wakes your system up, increasing energy and alertness. That first gush takes my breath away but I challenge myself to take 10-20 deep breaths in and out (4-6 seconds in/out) Give it a go!- I promise this gets easier after a few breaths, and even easier if practised daily! This form of cold-water therapy has been scientifically proven to increase endorphins, improve metabolism, improve circulation and even help fight off common illnesses!

2) Equally crucial is an evening routine: This is not the time to be staying up late binge-watching Netflix until midnight (and yes, I am guilty of doing this). Try and set the same bed time for yourself each night so that you can get 7-9 hours sleep each night. Sleep is essential in allowing your brain and body to repair and restore itself so that you can be on your game the next day. Whether you are working externally, at home or looking after the kids (very much still work!), set yourself up for success with a well-rested night prior.

Prepare your body for a restful night by ceasing screen usage at least an hour prior bed and diming the lights in your house. Bright lights inhbits the release of melatonin (the naturally occurring hormone that prepares your body for sleep). Have yourself a relaxing warm bath, with candles- another form of water therapy, which in contrast to cold water, helps relax the mind and body. If you are use to watching the telly until you fall asleep, substitute this bad habit by curling up in bed with a book that inspires you.

3) Move your body daily: Be it a walk, bike ride or Supafit Online class, any form of movement is bound to get your muscles firing, increase circulation, general strength, co-ordination and release endorphins-instant mood lifter.

4) Have a plan: Setting a loose plan, and writing it down really helps. Be careful not to fall into the trap of having a 20 step to do list, that is too ambitious and leaves you feeling like a failure at the end of the day. Set yourself 1-2 tasks you want to achieve within different fascists of your life, in a way that makes sense to you. For me, I like to organise my day into 3 categories. Work (small 1-2 tasks to get done), Home (house chores I need to complete, ie. Clean bathrooms, do food prep), Family (an at home activity for my busy toddler, family walk). These run concurrently throughout the day and are flexible in when I achieve them throughout the day. Having a lose plan during these times will give your day purpose and still allow you to be productive.

5) Connect within yourself and reach out to others: We are all human, we all have shitty times, feel down or without hope at times. The difference is in your choices around that. I really try my hardest to acknowledge how I am feeling in these negative times, tell myself it’s ok to feel this way, but then make the choice and conscious effort to move past these negative emotions. No matter how shitty your day has been, just know that you are not alone and have people out there that love and care for you. Be kind to yourself and talk to loved ones about how you are feeling. Be it a family member from your household, a phone call to your friend or a Zoom call to your trusted coach at Supafit Performance!

Let’s take care of ourselves and each other!

Coach Mon xoxox

If you would like help getting your health & fitness back on track, you can find me at the Supafit Performance Centre located at 8/45 Powers Road Seven Hills Western Sydney 2147

Coach Mon from the Supafit Performance Centre Gym in Seven Hills Sydney Australia