SupaFit Performance Centre

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Meal prepping without cooking? Keep on reading!

By Coach Mikaela

Meal prepping without cooking. You read that correct. Want to know more? Keep on reading.

So we’ve all heard of the term ‘meal prep’ by now, and most of us immediately relate that to cooking a huge batch of chicken, brown rice and broccoli, then serving evenly into 5 separate containers for the week, stored in the fridge or freezer, readily accessible for lunch/dinner meals.

Now, this is definitely ONE way to go about it, however there are so many more ways that can make meal prepping sustainable for you and your family.

Option 1 - Cutting Up & Portioning Your Foods

Not one bit of cooking is done during this type of ‘meal prep’. How? It’s easy! Most of us find cutting up and preparing food the lengthy part of cooking meals, so by pre-peeling, cutting, portioning, seasoning and labelling foods, it makes cooking fresh food so much easier and time-friendly.

e.g. On Sunday cut up veggies into chunks, stored in a container, cut up and season chicken breast and store in an air-right container, and you can take it one step further by actually pre-portioning and labelling these foods.

When you are ready to make your meal, all you have to do is take out your containers and cook your desired amount without any preparation beforehand! It really does cut back on time in the kitchen.

Option 2 - Write Down Your Meals For The Week

It almost seems too simple to be true! However when you know what you’re having for the week ahead, it makes purchasing and preparing food a lot quicker and easier. Not everyone can/wants to go to the shops every day to purchase food for their dinner that night, so this is a great way to a) keep yourself accountable b) be organised and ready c) keep to your meal plan d) have food organised for the whole family.

Need a weekly meal planner? Download our Supafit planner HERE

Option 3 - Use Less Dishes

By using option 1, look into 1-Pan Recipes. They work a treat! Using a baking tray or air fryer, pop all ingredients in together and cook them at the same time (keep in mind some foods may take longer than others). It makes cleaning up seem like a breeze!

Checkout our 1 pan meal planner recipe book on our website for a FREE download :)

Remember; Proper Preparation Prevents Poor Performance!

Coach Mikaela

If you would like help getting your health & fitness back on track, you can find us at the Supafit Performance Centre located at 8/45 Powers Road Seven Hills Western Sydney 2147