SupaFit Performance Centre

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Berries are the way to your heart!

Coach Sree

There are so many different types of berries in the world.

From blueberries to raspberries, there is a berry to match everyone’s taste preferences.

Why should we even care about berries and what do they have to do with your heart?

Well first of all, the health benefits that berries come with are unmatched and secondly because they are delicious.

1. Blueberries

These are one of the most common types. Blueberries are great to add into pancakes, protein shakes or even muffins to give a burst of flavour.

Blueberries are great for eye health. They are also low in fat and high in antioxidants, Vitamin C, Vitamin K and fiber.

Blueberries are especially great for your heart health as they help lower cholesterol levels.

2. Raspberries

Other than tasting like jelly, what else are they good for you might ask? Well as easy as they are to introduce to kids, they are packed with Vitamin C and fibre.

Studies show that consuming raspberries on a regular basis can decrease risk of cancer, heart disease and diabetes.

3. Strawberries

Now if you haven’t tried strawberries with Nutella, I don’t know how to tell you that you are missing out in life.

For healthier options, strawberries can be eaten raw, added to oats, juices or yogurt.

Strawberries lower inflammation and blood pressure, promoting heart health. Just 5 strawberries can give you 60% of the daily recommended intake of Vitamin C.

There are so many other types of berries but here are the most popular ones.

Add these into your diet for a happy healthy heart!

If you would like help getting your health & fitness back on track, you can find us at the Supafit Performance Centre located at 8/45 Powers Road Seven Hills Western Sydney 2147